Artwork Requirements
Dynamic Imaging Solutions strives to provide a seamless design and proofing process for all our jobs. As such, we provide basic design setup and unlimited proofing at no cost to the customer. By following the guidelines below whenever possible, our customers can help facilitate this and ensure:
A quick and accurate design setup
The best quality final production product
Avoid any design surcharges
Correct bar code compatibility with the customer’s automation system
PC files are our preferred format but MAC files may also be acceptable
Our preferred file format for design files is Adobe Illustrator .AI files but other formats are also acceptable - .EPS, .PDF, .PSD (Photoshop), CorelDraw
Artwork created with vector outlines are preferred and will provide the best final product
All fonts should be outlined or converted to curves. The customer may also provide the true type font file if they believe text editing may be necessary.
Microsoft Word and Powerpoint files are not acceptable as design files except to show basic layout structure
For bitmap files, including jpg, tiff, bmp, pcx, please ensure the highest quality resolution possible. For production purposes, these files should be at least 300 dpi to ensure an acceptable print quality.
We accept ZIP & Stuffit compression formats for any large file(s)
Files created using RGB values will be converted to CYMK for printing
PMS / Pantone color codes should be provided whenever possible. When printing digitally, we attempt to match any PMS colors as closely as possible but certain colors are impossible to match digitally and are simply the closest digital representation of that color.
For artwork with colors that bleed off the edge of the final product, we require a 1/8” extra bleed image for die-cutting purposes. For example, for a standard CR80 finished card size of 3.375” x 2.125”, we require a bleed image size of 3.625” x 2.375” (see image below). If the files do not contain sufficient bleed and air-brushing or additional design work is required to make them acceptable for production then a design surcharge will be applied.
Due to slight die-cutting registration movement, we suggest that text printed on card products should maintain a 1/8” distance from the edge of the product and should be absolutely no closer than a 1/16” distance from the edge. ” (see image below)

- If the design includes a requirement for a bar code then our proof will include a scanable version of the final production bar code. In order to ensure compatibility with the customer’s automation software, it is important that the following information is provided with the order:
Bar code type or symbology
Bar code check digit type (if applicable)
Correct start number
Total number of digits or characters in the bar code
Format of the eye-readable or man read number including the position of any required spaces.
Any specific start & stop character requirements (Codabar only)
If the customer is unsure about any of the above, a scan or clear fax of at least 3 of the customer’s current bar codes is usually sufficient for our bar code experts to determine the correct bar code requirements.
To test the bar code compatibility, the customer should print the PDF proof that is provided on a decent quality laser printer and then scan the bar code with their automation software. The customer should check to see if the scanned bar code produces the expected results in their software, is in the correct format and is not a duplicate number within their system.